Jhenai Mootz
Mixed Media Art
I’ve worked professionally as an actor, administrator, and educator, and even (by accident) found my way into corporate America. But through it all, creating art has been my constant, the thing that keeps my heart whole.
I started my art business in 2009 as an early adopter of Etsy, and in 2010, I was lucky to forge what has now become a decades-long partnership with the Andersonville Galleria in Chicago, IL.
I have a very elastic way of approaching art. I’ve always been drawn to texture and color—whether in language or in forms that can be seen and touched. Photography, mosaics, graphic design, embossing, wire work, sculpting, engraving—you name it, I’ve probably tried it. In 2022 I started diving into ceramics and from the moment I touched clay, I was hooked. Now, this beautifully challenging art form is my latest creative obsession, feeding my heart in ways I never expected.
Inspiration is everywhere. I hope when you look at my work, you find a little of it, too.