The Doodle Shop by Alexander Proulx

The Doodle Shop by Alexander Proulx

Colorful figurative abstracts to brighten your day.

Alexander grew up in central New Jersey but has been a Chicago resident for 11 years and is currently a resident of the Andersonville Neighborhood.  


Alex is self-taught, Chicago-based digital artist and painter who draws some of his inspirations from pop art, street art, naive art, and impressionism. What interests the artist is how these approaches tend to question the conventions of beauty and even what qualifies as “art.” They exist(ed) on the fringes of the art scene or in some way challenge(d) the status quo. At the same time, there is something intuitive and accessible in each. There is a rawness which is relatable, a quality he seeks to reproduce in his work.

A theme that the artist is interested in exploring is how engaging with art, whether as a viewer or creator– and especially as it becomes more abstract– can help us to relate better to each other.